Years of experience have taught you how to conduct yourself on a construction site. You are a skilled professional who not only knows how to do your work with skill and precision but also with the utmost care and diligence. When you are on site, your mind is always on your work and your safety and that of those around you.
However, the company that employs you has its responsibilities as well. In order to stay out of danger you must know where it is. There are structures and situations that are standard for every construction site and measures are taken to mitigate the hazard they produce. But a thorough risk and safety assessment must be carried out at each site to discern the particular dangers that exist in it.
If your company has not done this, if they have cut corners and are not able to warn workers at the site of possible threats to their safety, then they are liable if something goes wrong.
New York Construction Dangers
New York City is one of the most vibrant and dynamic cities in the world and is constantly being regenerated. Old buildings give way to new ones or are refurbished to suit new styles and purposes. The space limitations of the city make it necessary to build up, which means that most construction workers have to organize a work space that is quite high above ground, but must nevertheless be a place in which tools and materials are stored, hoisted, and lowered as need be.
Falls, electrocution, injury due to falling objects, and being caught in or between objects are the most common types of accidents on New York City construction sites. If you have been the victim of such an accident and you know you followed safety protocols to the letter, then you should hire an attorney and begin building a case against the negligent party.
The Right Compensation for You and Your Family
You trust that the people you work for will look out for your health and safety. If they have instead put profits and the bottom line over making the construction site safe and you have been injured as a result, then you are right to demand compensation. The physical and emotional pain you have suffered and the financial strain that has been put on your family must be made right. Working with a New York personal injury attorney can help you get justice.