Some of the More Common Causes of Crashes in the Winter
Although there are certainly going to be times when a winter crash is completely the fault of the other driver, it is important to understand some of the reasons for these accidents on winter roads. Here are some common causes of crashes in the winter and how we can reduce our chances of being involved in them.
Condition of the Car
Part of the reason it is so important our vehicles get to the service center for scheduled inspections is to allow the mechanics can properly rotate the car tires. If the tires are wearing unevenly, bald spots and missing tread could pose a huge problem come winter. Without the right amount of even tire tread, the vehicle cannot grip the road and maintain control in the proper lane. Snow tires are not the only option, just make sure there is plenty of tread on the tires so they handle the slick road conditions.
Poor Visibility
As the weather conditions deteriorate, it becomes more important to be able to see clearly what is ahead of us. Maintaining an even larger distance between vehicles is important, but if we can’t see those cars, we can’t judge the distance. Headlights need to be in working order, and winter wiper blades should be installed before the first freeze. Winter wiper blades are encased in a rubber shell that keep ice and snow from affecting the flexibility of the blades, helping to keep the windshield clear even in the worst driving conditions.
Dangerously Slippery Roads
Even the best drivers can not anticipate black ice, but we can prepare our vehicle for icy roads. The slower we drive, the less likely it is to lose control if we hit a patch of black ice. It doesn’t hurt if you have a rear-wheel drive vehicle to keep a large bag of kitty litter in the trunk to help the vehicle grip the road better. Although we cannot control what other drivers are doing on icy roads, maintaining at least an 8 second gap between cars will give us a chance to steer around trouble when we see it ahead.
Winter driving is all about taking extra precautions to reduce being in situations that can result in accidents. Part of these precautions include getting to the local service center for a complete vehicle inspection before driving on those icy roads.
If you are harmed due to someone else’s negligence, our team is ready to help. At Levine And Wiss, our New York auto accident lawyers have helped countless victims seek the compensation they deserve. We are dedicated to the best interests of our clients at all times.