Dashboard cameras, or dash cams, have become an integral part of accident investigation, but they represent a double-edged sword.
They can be useful in situations where, for example, the car in front of you causes you to rear-end them by braking suddenly — since the rear vehicle is almost always assumed to be at fault in rear-end collisions. But what if you did something wrong before the crash, like committing an unrelated moving violation just a few seconds before the collision?
Police are well aware of dash cams, and the law allows them to seize them from your car. That is true even if you are merely a witness to the crash.
Another thing to consider is the prevalence of surveillance cameras in public spaces. Accidents are often caught by multiple cameras.
The widespread use of cameras only underscores how important it is to be up front and honest with your attorney about the details leading up to your accident. In the event of a trial, you do not want to be caught in even a “little white lie.”
The lawyers at Levine And Wiss are skilled at obtaining and reviewing video evidence so they can better represent you and further your case — with minimum surprises and maximum results.
Contact us today at 1.888.GOT.HURT to speak with someone at Levine And Wiss.
Scott L. Wiss
Levine And Wiss, PLLC
(888) 468-4878