No-Fault Coverage: Every vehicle registered in New York must have No-Fault insurance coverage, which is also known as Personal Injury Protection (PIP). This coverage pays the medical bills for the injuries sustained by anyone involved in a motor vehicle collision, regardless of who was at fault for the accident.
Eligibility: To be eligible for No-Fault benefits, you must be:
1) an occupant of a covered vehicle;
2) a pedestrian struck by a covered vehicle; or
3) a bicyclist struck by a covered vehicle.
Motorcyclists are excluded from No-Fault benefits.
Covered Expenses: No-Fault benefits typically cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other necessary expenses resulting from the accident, such as transportation costs for medical appointments. The coverage is limited to a certain amount (generally, a minimum of $50,000). However, it is essential to review your specific insurance policy for the exact amount of PIP coverage.
It’s crucial to understand your insurance policy and your No-Fault coverage. Call the experienced team at Levine And Wiss, PLLC, so we can guide you through the complexities of the legal system and help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.