Most people assume that when there is a rear-end collision, it is always the fault of the driver that rear ended the car in front. While this may be the case in the majority of rear-end collision cases, it sometimes is the fault of the driver in front too. These are a few of the reasons to hire the best accident attorney so they can piece together the details of the accident and prove you were not at fault.
Usually the Driver in the Rear – Most rear-end collisions are the result of the driver that hit the car in front. When we are driving and get hit from behind, the responsibility of maintaining a safe driving distance falls on the lap of the driver in the rear. These drivers can be driving too fast, distracted on their phones, or experience a malfunction that causes them to slam into the rear of our car.
Driving in Reverse – Not all rear-end collision cases are the fault of the driver who hit the car in front. The driver in front may have been driving in reverse and their reverse lights failed or they should not have been backing up on the road where the accident occurred. A skilled attorney will send an investigative team to the scene to be able to collect evidence that proves this was the case.
Brake Lights Not Working – Another example of a rear-end collision being the fault of the driver who was hit, their tail lights were not working properly. Perhaps they were stopped on the road and the driver in the rear saw no lights or reason to stop and got too close too fast. In this instance, the attorney will have a team get all the mechanical details of the car in front to confirm if the failing lights could have been the reason the accident occurred.
Disabled Care Without Hazards – A driver could be at fault if they are rear-ended when their disabled car is on the roadway and they were not using their hazard lights. If the car was not pulled off the road far enough, that driver will assume responsibility for the crash.
Don’t assume just because we were the driver that rear-ended the car in front that it is our fault. A skilled New York personal injury attorney can collect key evidence that can show we were not at fault in this particular circumstance.