People often recoil at the thought of friends suing each other, but there is usually more to the story than what meets the eye. More often than not, the friend that is suing is actually suing to get to the other person’s insurance — not the personal assets.
Why might this be necessary? Let’s say you’re visiting your friend’s home and you break your ankle walking in the backyard. The emergency room visit, including the cast, nerve block, etc., is likely to be several thousand dollars. Health insurance usually covers a percentage of the bill, but most plans leave at least 20% for the patient to pay. Add to that surgeons and other out-of-network specialists that might be required, and the total price tag can be life-changing.
Meanwhile, if your friend owns their home, they should be insured for accidents like this. If their insurance pays out, it’s a victory for both sides. Only when the insurance company denies the claim does the prospect of a lawsuit become necessary — but before that happens, your attorney will attempt to reach a settlement with the insurance company.
It is possible to remain friends when one makes a claim against the other’s insurance. People do it all the time. One way to clear a path for your friendship to remain is to educate your friend on the difference between suing for personal assets and suing their insurance.
Contact our offices today if you have any questions or need assistance.
Scott L. Wiss
Levine And Wiss, PLLC
(888) 468-4878