Our Long Island Paraplegia Injury Lawyers Are Reviewing Claims For People With Spinal Cord Injuries
At Levine And Wiss, PLLC, we have experienced paraplegia injury lawyers serving clients in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties. If you or someone you loved got hurt in an accident and suffered paraplegia injuries, call us today to find out how we can help you obtain the maximum compensation allowed by law.
Paraplegia injuries are catastrophic.
However, the accidents that cause these injuries don’t have to be. Paraplegia can result from everyday activities like walking to the store, driving to work, doing something at your job, or playing your favorite sport.
Our experienced personal injury lawyers at Levine And Wiss can seek the maximum compensation when someone’s negligence causes your paraplegia injury. We want to ensure that you collect damages that reflect the true value of your injuries.

For a free legal consultation with a paraplegic accident lawyer serving Long Island
call 888-468-4878
We Have Extensive Experience Handling Paraplegia and Spinal Injury Claims
Our personal injury lawyers have extensive experience handling claims and obtaining successful outcomes for our clients who suffer paraplegia injuries. We know how insurance companies try to pressure people to accept low-ball offers. We know what is reasonable, what is not, when to push harder, and when to go to trial.
This gives us, and our clients, an advantage. We can stand up to the pressure and pursue compensation that reflects your injuries’ full value and the maximum amount allowed by law.
Long Island Paraplegic Accident Lawyer Near Me
888-468-4878What is a Paraplegia Injury?
Paraplegia is also sometimes called partial paralysis. Its telltale symptom is the inability to move and sometimes feel the body below the waist or injury site. The legs themselves are otherwise healthy but there is significant loss of function.
Paraplegia is the result of damage to the spinal cord and/or brain – there is a failure to send signals to the lower body and/or a failure to receive those signals. When there is an injury to the spinal cord, communication breaks down, and communication can stop altogether. The result can be paralysis.
In most cases, paraplegia is the result of injuries to the lumbar, thoracic, or sacral spinal cord. These injuries can be partial or total, permanent or temporary. Someone with complete or total paraplegia has no sensation in their legs and no ability to move them. Many people with these injuries are also unable to control their bladder and bowel functions.
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Most Paraplegia Injuries Result From Traumatic Accidents
Paraplegia can result from a variety of illnesses and medical conditions. However, most spinal cord and brain injuries are the result of a trauma, or sudden blow, to the area.
According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), spinal cord injuries resulting from accidents are the leading cause of paralysis, including paraplegia. NSCISC reports that over 200,000 Americans suffer from spinal cord injuries and that there are 2,500 new cases each year.
- 38.8% of spinal cord injuries are caused by car accidents and motorcycle accidents
- 31.6% of spinal cord injuries are caused by falls
- Violence causes nearly 14% of spinal cord injuries.
- 8.2% of spinal cord injuries result from playing sports or participating in other recreational activities.
- Medical or surgical injuries cause 4.6% of spinal cord injuries.
As you can see from these statistics, motor vehicle accidents and falls account for 70% of spinal cord injuries. Many of these accidents are the result of someone’s negligence.
Paraplegia Causes More Than Just Paralysis
Paraplegia is a complicated injury that produces various side effects and symptoms. Paraplegia can be different for everyone. Some people might make slow progress toward improvement, while others face regular setbacks.
The physical symptoms of paraplegia injuries are only part of the equation that makes this type of injury so catastrophic. The emotional toll that paraplegia takes on the person injured and the family can be overwhelming. Adjusting to life in a wheelchair, being unable to do things you love, and perhaps being unable to work can create financial and psychological stress that can upend life as you knew it.
Some of the common effects of paraplegia injuries can include:
- Loss of sensation in the legs and other areas below the injury site
- Unexplained pain, phantom pain, electrical sensations in the lower half of your body
- Loss of bladder function
- Loss of bowel function
- Loss of mobility
- Urinary tract infections
- Bedsores and pressure sores
- Depression, anger, anxiety
- Weight gain
- Circulatory problems
- Loss of libido
- Loss of fertility
- Loss of sexual function
- Chronic pain
- Rapid heartbeat
- Irregular blood pressure
Some of these effects of paraplegia can be eased with the right medical treatment.
Physical therapy, exercise, and medications can help some people with paraplegia combat some of the physical symptoms. Therapy and support groups can become an essential part of living with paraplegia and addressing the emotional trauma of such a devastating injury.
Is Someone Responsible for Your Paraplegia Injuries?
Most paraplegia injuries result from accidents – car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and slip, trip, and fall accidents. Negligence causes many of these accidents and might have caused your paraplegia injuries. If negligence caused your paraplegia injury, you might be entitled to compensation. We want to ensure your legal rights are protected and you receive the maximum amount of damages allowed by law.
How Do You Know if Someone Was Negligent?
The first step is calling our personal injury lawyers at Levine And Wiss. We can review your accident, assess your case, and determine if someone was negligent and may be held liable. We can uncover the facts that might indicate negligence caused your injuries. For example,
- Did a distracted driver cause your car accident and subsequent paralysis?
- Was someone speeding when they crashed into your motorcycle, and you suffered a spinal cord injury?
- Did you suffer your paraplegia injury falling on an icy sidewalk?
- Were you paralyzed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver?
- Did you suffer a paraplegia injury in a fall while working on a construction site?
We can get to the bottom of what caused your paraplegia injuries and seek compensation from the responsible parties.
Call Our Paraplegia Injury Lawyers to Protect Your Right to Collect Compensation
At Levine And Wiss, we know that compensation won’t fix everything. We do know, however, that if the laws allow you to collect damages for your paraplegia injury, you can use that money to make life a little easier for you and your family.
Caring for someone with paraplegia can be costly. Medical bills, hospital bills, the cost of various therapies, assistive devices, home renovations, and medications can skyrocket quickly. These medical and care expenses may be life-long expenses. If you are legally entitled to collect damages from the party that caused your injuries, shouldn’t you do everything you can to ensure you get the compensation you deserve to protect your future?
Call Levine And Wiss, LLP, Today for a Free Consultation
Call our paraplegia injury lawyers at 888-GOT-HURT or 888-468-4878 to find out how we can help you. We will fight to collect the maximum compensation allowed by law. We represent clients suffering paraplegia injuries in New York, including Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Nassau County, and Suffolk County. Let us help you protect your legal rights to collect damages.