More and more people are travelling by bicycle. Unfortunately, not every city has responded with the kind of bicycle-only lanes that would keep these riders safe. Many bicyclists use the same streets as cars. They travel during the day and at night, and it is important to be vigilant and watch out for them.
You should never assume that a bicyclist sees and hears you. Nor should you assume that they will take precautions to avoid an accident. You should always be proactive and diligent when it comes to this sort of thing. Even if you have ride-of-way, you should always take action to avoid a collision. The fallout from it, regardless of whose fault it was, can be disruptive to your life.
Common bicycle accidents
The most common bicycle accidents have been given nicknames. The “Right Cross”, “Right Hook”, and “Door Prize” are three of them. The first occurs when a driver pulls out of side-street, alleyway, parking lot exit, or driveway to the bicyclist right. The second situation arises when the cyclist is in front of the cross street and is struck when the driver makes a right turn. The last occurs when a driver or passenger opens the car door just as the bicyclist is approaching.
All of these can be avoided by being extra careful. Some bicyclists travel fast. They can at time appear out of nowhere and be in the spot that you just checked before making your move. Always do an extra check before turning in case a cyclist appears.
When you need a lawyer
If you have taken all the precautions you can and you still end up in an accident, your first call should be to a lawyer. Do not concede fault for the accident until you have spoken to legal counsel.